tiistai 6. marraskuuta 2012

An Inconvenient Truth (2006)

"This film is like being in school."

Who are the 'friends' and 'small groups of scientists' that gathered this data?

How accurate were the weather instruments 100 years ago (the toilet wasn't even invented yet)?

We're asked to "believe" in the "consensus"...  Einstein didn't "believe" in the consensus, neither did Copernicus or Galileo.

There are over 35 major scientific mistakes in this.

Mathian is 25 times more of a green house gas than co2! Why blame us? Plants make a lot of Mathian when they ferment.

Professor Bob Carter***, of the Marine Geophysical Laboratory at James Cook University in Australia, on Gore's film: "Gore's circumstantial arguments are so weak that they are pathetic."

Al Gore is a POLITICIAN!

all Al Gore is trying to do is get some popularity points

his father raised him to be a great cowboy

Mr. Gore & his Hollywood buddies continue to use private fuel-guzzling jets

hypocrisy is quite evident in the film, as he is being driven in a gas guzzling car all alone using a consumerist computer

If everyone lived Al Gore's lifestyle the planet would be barren.

He travels across the world in first class seats in fuel wasting jets

the many shots of Al Gore frowning out the windows of (no-doubt private) airplanes

wealthy white people in the audience

By the way, polar bears swim to hunt and for recreation.

The 'hockey stick' graph.
Al Gore is an idiot and should not be taken seriously. This movie is almost as bad as any of Michael Moore's.

The modern environmentalist movement is about hating America for it's progress. It's a plot to destroy capitalism. It's a socialist lie.

his silly attempts to link hurricane Katrina to global warming

today's climate is tame and easy to adapt to

I have no idea how so many people can be fooled by such a pathetic display

this manipulative pseudo-scientific power-point presentation almost makes me wanna spray as much CO2 in the atmosphere as possible

actually plastering a "Stop Global Whining" bumper-sticker on my car

we'll all be dead in a few hundred years... who cares

Las Vegas getting 6 inches of snow, how is that "Global warming?"

global warming is only a theory, it is not a proved problem

the majority of the scientific community is not in agreement on this issue

It's now public knowledge that the scientists proclaiming global warming were caught red handed suppressing contradictory data & fudging the numbers

And to title it as a "truth" is just plain crap

It may be the single biggest hoax in the course of human existence

a hoax more elaborate than Bigfoot

Just Google "Global Warming" and "Hoax"

***"In 2012, documents revealed that Robert Carter was paid a monthly fee of $1,667 "as part of a program to counter the global warming message." - Wikipedia

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