maanantai 4. marraskuuta 2013

Ghostbusters (1984)

"The best part is the song."
"Who ya gonna call?!"
Another popular film that to me is simply awful.

Beware of all the positive reviews, of which I have no reasonable explanation.

It was so boring I felt like shooting myself... couldn't they have made it less freaking boring?

I sat down to re-live the magical experience with my children (aged 6 and 8), but to my disappointment, discovered that the film really hasn't aged that well. Despite some classic moments of dry humour from Bill Murray, and the impressive sight of Sigourney Weaver's lovely, long legs, the film just isn't as great as my memory had led me to believe.
This film is witless - it's true; it has no wit.

The ghosts are nothing like what real ghosts are
beasts that yell out Zuul.

The great Gozer's plan that started with the Hitites in 6000 B.C. What is that about?

The Marshmallow Man'?!? What the hell is that?!

When the final showdown between the good guys and the bad guys is taking place, they sort of just stand around there, cracking weak jokes, and then shooting off some low-budget flames.
Before I first saw the movie I had noticed that it had a huge success in box-office and,also,the "imdb" users had given a rating of about 7,5/10.

I think that it deserves a rating of 3.5/10

If only more people would take off their rose-tinted glasses, they'd be able to see this for what it really is.
I understand that this movie is pretty old.

There wasn't nearly enough action to keep me interested.

The film starts in a satisfacory way,with some good jokes-especially from Bill Murray.

Bill Murray is hilarious. Peter Venkman is one of his great character, a scientist for whom the pursuit of knowledge comes second to chasing girls.

Badly written, but could have been an ok film had it been done slightly more seriously.

Yes, it has a great theme tune.

Theme song is very catchy, but it is not going to be a part of my DVD collection any time soon.

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