lauantai 16. helmikuuta 2013

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998)

Official Tag-lines: 
"Avoid this film at all cost."
"Stay away!"
In my long career of watching movies I have built a strong immunity system against terrible films.

In the theatre, probably 15-20 people walked out before it was even over. I kept watching because I COULD NOT BELIEVE that any movie could be this bad.

In fact, I didn't see anything I liked.

Boring! A movie about two men on a drug binge is boring! And lifeless too.

Unpleasant to watch, unpleasant to think about afterwards. I'm surprised it's not in the Bible as a Missing Plague.


Benicio Del Toro was alright though.

Johnny Depp's acting was good.

Depp and Toro are both considered two of Hollywood's sexiest men
I did like the monsters in the bar scene.

the carpet pattern swirling, that wasn't bad

The cinematography, set design and location were great.

two heavy drug addicts are somewhat funny to watch.
how mega brilliant is Hunter S Thompson's original book?

If some day any of my kids try to use drugs, my punishment will be forcing them to watch this movie

I give this a 2/10.

(Each line is taken from individual review with 1/10 points rating and nothing else. There is no shortage of negative reviews.)